Saturday 2 February 2013

Ok my pals,this is what I can do. I can get you up to speed, to a level which I myself am capable of playing. All you need to do is follow simple instructions. At times you may have to do things blindly and follow simple instructions. Please do it. It's not like this is the only system, its definitely not.But its mine and this is a window into how a person without any musical education tries to play stuff.Please get up to speed on playing the major scale in all positions and get your fretboard familiarity to be really strong.
After a few videos with ideas on the blues I will gradually take tunes with a few changes and then some more and so on till you get the idea of playing over changes. This is my endeavor,to get you to phrase over changes and through them.It's a never ending process and I will get you to a place where you can then do it all on your own.
Read earlier posts and catalog them if you want. They could be scattered because sometimes I just want to share stuff and I want to do it NOW :). Practice the rudiments,and most importantly keep the music at the top of the pile. In my opinion people who play 'well' are just vehicles to play music.They themselves are of no consequence if you want to play music. What they play is data,which is learning that's all.So borrow from everyone but for God sakes do not become a clone and be yourself. The lessons on phrasing are just data to kickstart your brain in that direction.

Friday 1 February 2013

Here are easy blues cliches and simple lines that you can use and phrase with. These are ideas on the 1 chord which happens to be C#7. Hope you find this useful.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Like I said several times to know a scale, I mean KNOW it write down the notes on a piece of paper.Then plot it on a 12x6 fretboard diagram. Look at it and you will see layers of information...chords,patterns,and tons of stuff. This is way better than buying expensive books and listening to dreary lectures because you can take whatever you like from that static snapshot.Try 7 note,8 note whatever scales and do this on a regular basis.Take it across all the keys. Do this with dedication and do NOT waste your time on learning someone's solo with tabs.This is a habit difficult to shake and the sooner you do it the better.Here is an online tool to help you generate some cool fretboard diagrams.

Monday 28 January 2013

The Blues a primer:
Besides all the esoteric talk about ' Call and response','Playing with soul',' Dil se bajao' and all this rubbish please focus on the syntax otherwise you will seriously disturb the 'souls,'hearts', and a lot more of all the listeners who hear you.
The blues is an emotive form and has a vocabulary.There are scale forms that are used from where all the cliches you hear are born. Every rock n roll lick,every small embellishment however kinky is part of a scale or a hybrid mix of more than one scale.
Let us take a simple 12 bar progression which I assume you guys are familiar with. The chords are say G7,C7 and D7. The 1,4 and 5 chords.When you start off on the G7 chord and before you start jumping around trying to reach that one favourite lick take a short while to understand the chord.
On this G7 try the following options: G Mixolydian (the notes of the C major scale),the Minor Pentatonics in the 1,2,5 and 6th degrees(for the 2nd and 5th avoid the 4th's),The melodic minor up a 5th i.e. D melodic minor,The half whole diminished scale starting at G,The whole tone scale starting at G.Some of these options will give you an 'outside sound'.This paragraph is a data intensive block and read this carefully or you will land up playing with your 'soul'.
When you move to the 4 chord i.e. the C7 the main sound you will hear are the notes of the F major starting at C.Try this for now and see how nicely the change from G7 to C7 has been made.
Do not philosophize with names and stuff and ask questions. DO IT and you will hear it I guarantee.There are many more things you can do here but start with this.
On the turn around which is the movement of the 5-4-1,people have played really interesting things and you will too if you understand how the chords resolve back to the 1. Try the mixolydian ideas for the 1 chord over the 5 chord. Try a motif with the chord tones of the 5 chord and resolve it to the 1 chord via the 4 chord.This is a 'creative' part of these changes and you can quote nursery rhymes,the upanishads or anything you feel like as long as you resolve the idea to the 1 chord to which the progression finally comes to rest.Try using small licks from the data given and transpose them to the other keys to make the idea float 'through' the changes.The bottom line is to TRY.
Go through the posts and you will see a few videos on bends and cliched phrases.The newer ones I will record will take you through each chord and give you ideas on how to approach stuff.Please read the posts and make charts on every scale that you will use in order to gain control of the fretboard. This is imperative and needs to be done by you. As one guy said 'this is not fun anymore'.LOL get with it and you will see and enjoy several levels of 'fun',I absolutely assure you :). And hey please,please for god sake work on the vibrato it will make or break your blues career :D.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

while my hand heals properly here is a cool thing you can try. Assuming that you know the major triads all over the neck,there is no excuse if you don't :),play a triad and alter the bass notes all 12 options and you will find some amazing chords.These will not essentially be major. Please try this out and I will make videos once my hand can be flexed easily, I played a set of gigs and that has aggravated the scene :).
to dissolve frets and intonation problems learn to use a slide.Play on one string and press down on the slide ever so gently on the strings to get a smooth sustain.Try to play simple melodies on one string.There will be no licks just you ears trying to find resolution by moving the slide.It's a fabulous way to focus on the depth of each string. Do try.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Small trick.Let us assume you know a song which has 3 Major chords and another one which has 3 Minor chords.When you start the tune it moves in a 'major' sort of way and the second one will decidedly be 'minor' sounding.You know when you do ear training and start using inversions initially you will be quite thrown with these sounds,though they are major or minor.Here's what you can do...
Sing your major or minor song over whatever inversion and you will immediately know what inversion it is.Its like remembering a familiar turn from your childhood to learn left and right. Try this its really cool :)