Saturday 2 February 2013

Ok my pals,this is what I can do. I can get you up to speed, to a level which I myself am capable of playing. All you need to do is follow simple instructions. At times you may have to do things blindly and follow simple instructions. Please do it. It's not like this is the only system, its definitely not.But its mine and this is a window into how a person without any musical education tries to play stuff.Please get up to speed on playing the major scale in all positions and get your fretboard familiarity to be really strong.
After a few videos with ideas on the blues I will gradually take tunes with a few changes and then some more and so on till you get the idea of playing over changes. This is my endeavor,to get you to phrase over changes and through them.It's a never ending process and I will get you to a place where you can then do it all on your own.
Read earlier posts and catalog them if you want. They could be scattered because sometimes I just want to share stuff and I want to do it NOW :). Practice the rudiments,and most importantly keep the music at the top of the pile. In my opinion people who play 'well' are just vehicles to play music.They themselves are of no consequence if you want to play music. What they play is data,which is learning that's all.So borrow from everyone but for God sakes do not become a clone and be yourself. The lessons on phrasing are just data to kickstart your brain in that direction.

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