Tuesday 1 January 2013

The reason why musicality is deep and difficult to quantify besides the 'emotion' is this fact...Every note can be followed by 12 possibilities and this is unique and not completely true.There are 13 options if one were to count silence as a note.The placement of silence will outline a rhythmic character.The longer you are silent makes each of the 12 audible tones even more precious when they are used.To quantify the length of sustain of any note makes the variables 14.To play microtones makes this number infinite. So get this...besides 'emotion' we have shit loads to worry about. This makes the endeavor to play music all that more difficult. The next time you ask me how to play musically,understand that the variables have to be manipulated by you and not me. A few tricks is all a mortal like me can give you.

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