Tuesday 1 January 2013

This is what I did to understand time and playing 'in and 'out' of time. There is NO such thing as absolute time because even the most precise clock drifts. That having been said its best that we eventually learn to play in 'sync' with each other and to minimize drift when we are alone.There is a lot of malarkey about all of us having an internal clock and time comes from within.This is honestly some philosophical stuff or else we would have had everyone never going 'out' of time,something that we know is just not true.
So just like a clock drifts and so does a metronome and anything with a pendulum and mechanical moving parts,we must pick a relatively stable reference. Say a digital clock with a perfect battery.Learn to count along with the least count namely the seconds count and do this along with the clock for 5 minutes.Turn the clock face after 5 mins and count 300 counts without looking at the clock.Chances are when you turn the clock to check you will be off +/- 10 seconds if you were concentrating.I say a digital clock because I don't want you to have the benefit of a tick or tock :). Continue to practice just this for 10 minutes everyday bringing down your error in a +/- 2 window.This is quick for some and not so for some.
When you master the second count you will eventually be able to gain control over a 10 second time interval and then 20. Eventually you will even be precise with a minute. This is feeling time once you have internalized some stable clock with focus.It will teach you concentration and relative reference making you alert to other people and their drifts.
Assuming you have now developed a clock that works we can talk about funk and stuff that makes you dance and feel good. Have a great New Year and hope you benefit from whatever little information I put out.

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